Conflict management

Réagir face à un "Active Shooter" (AMOK)


Training course planned for:
Contact us to book the date of your choice
Number of free places: 16
Duration: 4 hours of course
Price: €125 VAT incl.
VAT: 21%

Register as :

a company

For the use of training checks for a company, please download the form (payment method valid only for companies).

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Required papers for registration

Registration form for individuals - Registration form for company
You have to send this paper by post to Protection Unit Academy, 19 rue de la Station - 1300 Limal, « to the attention of the reception », or by mail to « [email protected] ». Do not forget to enclose the necessary annexes to your registration.
For the use of training checks, we need the two codes and the data sheet of each participant (download here).


€125,00 VAT incl.
VAT 21%

Contact us for more information on this training course

010 418 840

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