Security - Guarding

Security guard - Strategic Officer - Royal Decree of 23 May 2018 - 116h


Training course planned for:
Contact us to book the date of your choice
Number of free places: 16
Duration: 116 hours of course
Price: €2 800 VAT incl.
VAT: 21%

Register as :

a company

For the use of training checks for a company, please download the form (payment method valid only for companies).

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Obtain the strategic leadership competency certificate.

  • He knows how the security sector and the other sectors of private security are organized.
  • He is familiar with aspects of the organization of police services and public agencies that are important to the custodial sector. He knows how public-private security collaboration works and knows the different partnerships as part of a comprehensive security plan.
  • He has in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of the legislative framework that applies to the custodial sector, its organizations, operations and personnel.
  • He knows the main fundamental rights and is aware of the resulting regulations for the security sector.
  • He is aware of current developments in crime, security risks and is able to propose appropriate solutions to deal with them within the private security sector.
  • He is aware of the civil responsibility of the organization he directs with regard to his constituents and his collaborators.
  • He can cope with the dilemmas facing him as a leader in the guarding industry. He is able to resolve them in an ethical and ethical way, respecting diversity as well as individual rights and freedoms.
  • He knows the behaviors of a culture and is able to manage diversity.
  • He knows the social partners and the specific collective rules that apply to the guarding sector.
  • He knows the basic principles of a security and risk analysis.
  • He knows the principles of security awareness and understands this knowledge.

Admission conditions

Meet the admission requirements set out in Article 9 of the Royal Decree of 23/05/2018 on the conditions of training, professional experience and aptitude, the conditions for a psychotechnical examination for exercising a managerial, executive or commercial position in a security company, an internal security service or a training organization and their organization such as:

  • have provided an extract of criminal record of maximum 6 months (no convictions - including abroad)
  • to be a national of a Member State of the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation and to have his principal residence there


  • Public and private security sector organization and relationship between the two (12 hours)
  • In-Depth Study of Guarding Regulations (40 hours)
  • Fundamental rights and legal rules related to guarding (12 hours)
  • Responsibility applied (8 hours)
  • Recent developments in crime (4 hours)
  • Security and risk analysis (8 hours)
  • Security awareness (8 hours)
  • Societal and cultural training (8 hours)
  • Social reports and collective agreements (8 hours)
  • Training focused on dilemmas between social, legal, ethical and business interests (8 hours)



Rue de la station, 19

B-1300 LIMAL

Required papers for registration

  • Registration form duly completed
  • Criminal record extract for a profession in security (referred to in article 596, paragraph 1 of the CIC), dating from maximum six months.
  • 2 passport photos
  • Copy of the identity card recto / verso

Registration form for individuals - Registration form for company
You have to send this paper by post to Protection Unit Academy, 19 rue de la Station - 1300 Limal, « to the attention of the reception », or by mail to « [email protected] ». Do not forget to enclose the necessary annexes to your registration.
For the use of training checks, we need the two codes and the data sheet of each participant (download here).


2314€ htva  including:

  • Het minerval
  • De syllabi
  • Vergoedingen voor het onderzoek van de SELOR-voorschriften (1e zittingen) (repêchage: 135 €)
  • Administratieve kosten
  • Exam fees
  • Lunch

 Price exempt from VAT according to article 44 of the VAT code

The prices of security training courses are subject to change.

Contact us for more information on this training course

010 418 840

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